Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thing #22

Today I spent far too much time exploring and playing with LiveBinders.  This might be the single greatest discovery for me throughout the 23 Things Activity.  I am an organizer, and my world is happy when everything has a place and is neatly put away in it.  This is largely why I really liked LiveBinders - it allows you to organize dozens of websites from all over the Internet in whatever way you like.  As I created my LiveBinders, the first one I made ended up being a binder that I could give my students access to in order to find supplemental information on what we are presently learning.  I began a binder entitled Cell Biology, it is by no means complete, but I have made a good start on some things that would be helpful for students while we studied cells.  This binder is included below.  I also created a binder like this called Genetics for a similar purpose.  The last binder I made is called Science Teaching Resources.  Often, as I am looking for information, (and this has happened a lot with many of the learning activities I have done for this class) I will stumble upon a website that I think is really great and would be helpful in the classroom.  This could be videos or worksheets or activity ideas, anything, and this binder allows me to have a spot to keep all of these resources in one spot.  Very convenient! 

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